Кафедра СП — одна з найпрестижніших кафедр КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, яка першою в Україні розпочала підготовку фахівців з комп'ютерних систем проектування у 1972 році. Кафедра СП здійснює підготовку фахівців для науково-дослідної, проектної і організаційно-управлінської діяльності у галузі застосування сучасних інформаційних технологій у проектуванні найрізноманітніших об'єктів штучного середовища людини і інформатизації функціонування організацій та установ.

Department > Official Information
Official information

The Department of the System Design

The Department of the System Design (SD) is a part of faculty of System researches of the Educational Scientific Complex "Institute for Applied System Analysis" (ESC "IASA") of National Technical University of Ukraine «KPI».

Petrenko A.I.

Head of the Chair: doctor of engineerings sciences, professor, Petrenko A.I.

Kiselev G. D.

A deputy of Head of the Chair: candidate of engineerings sciences, associate professor, Kiselev G. D.

A deputy of Head of the Chair: candidate of engineerings sciences, associate professor, Kiselev G. D.

The main task of CD Chair is training of specialists in man's creative engineer activity computerization, which is displayed the most brightly in new objects and technologies of artificial environment design and creation. The idea of 'Information Technologies for Design' specialty is using of modern computer technologies (mathematic modeling, graphic and text processors, data and knowledge bases, computer networks, expert systems and decision making systems, multimedia information technologies, Internet information recourses) at all stages of individual or collective optimization design and development of new objects and processes, such as forestalling exploration, action principle choice, design of sketch and technical projects, all round engineer analysis and project optimization, preparation of constructing documentation and control information for computer aided enterprises.
With it, modern element base of information technologies as Microsystems (System in a Chip and System in a Package) is chosen for applied branch where CAD methods are used in the most effective way. Thus, students even during the studying process have the possibility to try their forces in designing satellite with weight of several kilograms only, instead of habitual several hundreds kilograms (even with its functioning widening) or designing nano probe laboratory which, being under control, moves in the man's vessels and not only diagnoses, but also cures him.

Specialist in the field of information technologies for design is summoned to solve the following functional tasks in organizations and enterprises:
- development of new ways of computer using (electronic commerce, multimedia systems, medical diagnostic centers, information searching systems, computer aided design, in built systems);
- development of effective ways of computerization tasks solving (programs of mathematical proofs and conclusions; of symbol calculations, of LIS modeling, etc);
- development, introduction and using of program tools (development of networks and net service, friendly interface, safety problems, mobile connection, computer graphics and games);
- organization infrastructure planning and management (Net configuration, calculating environment management, design and realization of information systems, development and application of databases, information search software design, communication software installation, installation/renewing of computers and computer software, etc).

Students of the Chair

Students of the Chair

Information technologies in organization and carrying out the educational process are widely used at the Chair, Web site with electronic educational materials on all the disciplines is created.

Training of students is realized on interdisciplinary base by joining the components of engineering and science while solving computerization tasks and forming computer additions. The curriculum of fundamental and special training is built taking into account the international standards (first of all, common recommendations /IEEE/ Curricula'04) for studying computer tasks, and provides (in addition to advanced physic mathematics cycle of fundamental training disciplines) consolidation of knowledge and skills of future specialists of base directions:

1) Computers and computer sciences: data structures, methods of their proceeding; computer architecture; operational systems; programming languages and CASE technologies; information technologies tools (data and knowledge bases; graphic and text proceeding; expert systems; electronic methods of modeling, publishing systems); user interface; local and global computer networks; separated systems and Grid technologies, information Internet recourses; multimedia and network collaboration (group design); data defense, etc.

2) Computer aided design: numeral methods and algorithmization procedures, theory of schemes and systems; basis of CAD forming; analog systems design and optimization; digital schemes design; architectural functional synthesis on the base of VHDL technologies; methods of design of ordered VLSI, micro processor systems design, methods of diagnostics of computers and VLSI, artificial intellect in CAD, parallel calculations in CAD, etc.

Visualization of topology

Visualization of topology

3) Information community technologies: distant learning systems; virtual reality systems; author multimedia systems; enterprise support systems; information organization management systems, including large program project management, etc.

There is practiced also reading of some disciplines of educational plan and diploma project defense in English. Regular probation of Chair Masters is carried out abroad, in particular, in Germany, in Frankfurt upon Oder, Kotsburgh and Manderburgh universities, in scientific research INR Institute in Frankfurt upon Oder (Germany), etc. Curriculum is pointed at development of following personal qualities amongst students in the process of education:
- ability to solve tasks in large subject field, including the skill of formulating these tasks in mathematical or other forms, and to use mathematics and the other tools in their solving;
- deep knowledge and ability to use new scientific and technical results or data;
- project competency, beginning from specification making, choice of different alternative decisions for project, analysis of variants and their estimation from technical, financial and human points of view, and ending with technical design, system manufacturing, its testing, test variants estimation and writing report on the project;
- sociability and aptitude to collaboration, including ability to express one's thought clearly (orally or in written form) as well as ability to work in collective via Internet;
- competency efficient for executing independent technical/scientific development or research work;
- ability to use modern computer tools for enriching and improvement of knowledge, communication widening, project competency strengthening, and perception perfection.

Specialty 'Information technologies of development System Development' includes such specializations: 'Collective computer development in the Internet environment', "Grid technologies for science, education and business', 'Management of large scientific technical projects'.

During defence of diploma projects

During defence of diploma projects. Committee of Petrenko A.I. and Kiselev G.D. composition.

Demand for such specialists is great. The Chair of SD CAD possesses special contracts with well known Melexes (Belgium), ZMD and IPH (Germany), Mental Graphics (USA), ProFIX (Ukraine) firms for common training of specialists on computer design, and the firms give Chair the unique equipment (for instance, world[1]famous design systems Cadence), special stipendiums for students, possibility for probation and postgraduate study abroad, and also the guaranteed placing in a job in branch offices of these firms in Ukraine or in common enterprises working in Ukraine (IBM, Intel, Siemens, Apple, Sumsung, Microsoft, etc.) and directly abroad. As project procedures are of invariant character in the most cases, the CAD specialists are able to adapt quickly to the other branch applications of computer design methods, including creation and adaptation of systems of economic financial direction, with the fact that many of Chair's graduates have placed in a job successfully as the example, in such companies as: "Samsung Ukraine", "TEXVER" PAKKOtm , "Mark Essen", "Viaduk Telecom", "ProFIX", "Lan Telecom", "ProcreditBank", "Young&Rubicam", "Deutsche Wertpapierservice Bank", IBS (Information Business System and Telecommunication), ACT (Achievements of Computer Technologies), "Megatek", "SUN Ukraine", "IBM Kyiv".